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The Scouts in Cincinnati

From the Cincinnati Times and Chronicle, Monday, December 30, 1872:

Ned Buntline, Buffalo Bill, Texas Jack, and Wassaja (Carlos Montezuma)


They Pay Their Respects to the Press

Ned Buntline's famous tales of the career of the great Western notables, "Texas Jack" and "Buffalo Bill," have been read by the thousands, and the breath-taking deeds therein recorded have started the crazy fancy of many a young Jackanapes to hunt in his native woods for imaginary foes, and ride a rickety saw-horse nigh on to death in his father's barn, in a dash to escape the tomahawks of wicked red men close at his heels.

Everyone has heard of these daring scouts, and all have experienced a desire to see a real live man from the prairies who has "lifted hair" and made hundreds of "pesky redskins bite the dust."

Ned's heroes arrived from Chicago this morning, and, after properly attending to the wants of the inner man, commenced making New Year's calls, or, rather, winding the old year up in the good old-fashioned way of beginning the new one. Mr. H. Lloyd was their guide, and filled his office in a praiseworthy manner. Four milk-white prancing steeds hauled their conveyance through the streets, and a curious crowd followed them at every turn.

The TIMES AND CHRONICLE office was not forgotten in their rounds. When the chariot brought up in front of that establishment, the noise and crowd startled its inmates and turned them out pell-mell.

The occupants filed into the office in true Indian fashion, in the following order:

H. Lloyd, Esq.

E.Z.C. Judson, Esq. (Ned Buntline.)

Apache boy, in native uniform.

Buffalo Bill.

Texas Jack.

Small newsboy.

After paying their due respects to the heads of the establishment, they retired in the same order and reembarked for the next call.

Ned Buntline is a stout, well-built man of good appearance. Perhaps sixty winters have passed over his head. In his own time, he has experienced many adventures, which have found a place in some of his thrilling stories.

"Buffalo Bill" is tall and inclined to be somewhat slender. His features are marked in their daring and precision, and fully come up to the imagination of the dashing, handsome, "scout of the plains."

"Texas Jack" is different in appearance, being of a heavier build, but his physiognomy displays an eager, anxious, ever-ready sort of a look which is characteristic of the border man.

Both dressed plainly, the only distinguishing feature in their personnel being a huge white hat, with the brim turned up to the crown toward one side.

The little Apache boy that accompanied the party was dressed in his full native rig, and carried miniature weapons of war. He looked every way happy and contented.

These notables give their first original performance in the city tonight at Pike's Opera House, and we predict for them unqualified success. Their frontier scenes are said to be striking and intensely real, and to contain some spirited dramatic scenes severely faithful in actual portrayal.

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